This guide wants to show you a systematic approach to generating over 2500 leads and over 7-figures in revenue, in as little as 90 days.
The secrets unravelled in this book are tried and tested. Every successful "Twitter-preneur" who has built a notable audience, and gone on to make a cashing-out has implemented these principles at one stage or another.
See, if you want to generate more leads and revenue on Twitter, you need to have an irresistible offer, create valuable and viral keyword-rich content, and offer a nauseating amount of value for free.
There are no shortcuts.
This means that as an entrepreneur on Twitter, you should never aim low. Shoot for the skies they say, and if you miss, you’ll definitely hit the stars. This creates a baseline for what you’ll be able to convert as followers, and leads.
But what if you don’t know how to craft valuable and viral keyword-rich content on Twitter, well then you need a simple strategy. This involves creating three content pillars that form the core content strategies for generating valuable content and increasing inbound leads. This book will teach you how.
About This Product
You’ll learn with the benefit of a case study how one of our clients did 1.4M in revenue in just 90 days.
You think that’s impossible for you? Well, think again.
The book is practical and concise without excessive fluff or promises. It leads you in the systematic 3-step process that has worked time and time again.
Ask any successful “Twitter-preneur” and they’ll all tell you the same things, even if they didn’t realise that they were implementing these very same processes.
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